
How can I place an order?

  • To order a hat or other related enquiries , please fill in your details on the order page.
  • Orders placed in-studio require a 50% deposit.
  • Shipped orders require payment in full, prior to shipping.
  • We accept: Paypal, visa or mastercard. Credit card information should include expiration date.
  • All prices are shown in Canadian Dollars.
  • Due to the nature of handmade items, there are no returns or exchanges.

How long will my order take?

  • Most designs are made to order and require 3-4 weeks to ship.
  • Shipping time will depend on the country of destination.
  • Orders placed under 3 weeks require a rush charge of $50.

How much is the shipping?

  • Once the order is placed, shipping charges will be calculated and forewarded to you. If this is not a rush order, the most economical shipping means will be used.

Can a hat or headpiece be made in different colors from the ones on the website?

  • Most of the designs can be made in different colours, although it depends on the availability of supplies.

How do the hats and headpieces stay on my head?

  • Veils and feather pieces use a metal tooth comb while most cocktails use a discreet hat elastic which can be hidden under the hair.

Do you need to know my head size?

  • No, it is not required as all pieces are one-size-fits-all.

Can I purchase hats for wholesale?

  • To be eligible to purchase from the Alice Hart wholesale catalogue, you must have a retail location and a business licence. The minimum quantity is 6 designs per order. For more information, please fill in the enquiry form on the order page.

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©2008 Alice Hart